Recorrido a pie para grupos pequeños por vida nocturna de Atenas
A la hora de su salida seleccionada, reúnase con su guía en la Plaza Monastiraki, frente al Monasterio de Pantanassa, del siglo X, una de las muchas iglesias bizantinas de la ciudad. Si bien Atenas está llena de una rica historia, renunciará a las visitas turísticas típicas en este recorrido a pie de 3 horas y, en cambio, estará expuesto a la emocionante vida nocturna de la ciudad.
Salga en un pequeño grupo con un máximo de 12 participantes para explorar el paisaje urbano. Su guía le conducirá a descubrir los lugares que son las zonas más transitadas, entre ellos al menos tres cafeterías y bares, además de un restaurante frecuentado principalmente por sus ciudadanos.
Tendrá la oportunidad de escuchar a música griega y probar comida y bebida (una bebida incluida) mientras aprende cómo los habitantes de la ciudad en la capital pasan la tarde. Después, le acompañarán de vuelta al punto de partida, o puede continuar la fiesta con sus nuevos amigos.
- Guía local
- Espectáculo en directo
- Le garantizamos que evitará las largas colas.
- 1 bebida
- Comida y bebida, a menos que se indique lo contrario
- Propina (opcional)
- Recibirá confirmación en el momento de efectuar la reserva
- La edad legal para beber es 18 años
- Todos los viajeros pagan precio de adulto
- Lleve calzado y ropa cómodos
- Existe una opción vegetariana, especifíquelo al hacer la reserva si la prefiere
- Durante esta excursión habrá que caminar bastante.
- Se puede acceder a los vehículos con sillas de ruedas plegables, aunque el conductor no puede ayudar a los pasajeros a subir y bajar debido a normativas de seguridad

We had 7 tours booked this trip and we loved absolutely everything except for this one. It was a strange tour our expectation was that we would go to several places popular among locals, try traditional Greek food/ drinks, see some Greek entertainment and hear about Athens and Greece but it went completely differently. Our main issue was that the guide didnt speak good English - we hardly ever could make sense out of what he was trying to say. He was nice and polite but it is hard to enjoy when you dont understand a person. We stopped at a local bar to have a beer and a snack. This place had a 2 person band playing and we enjoyed that. We stayed there for quite some time, definitely more that we wanted to but we didnt want to rush the guide and waited for him to finish a beer. Our next stop was a bar with a view of Acropolis. When we got there, the bar was full so we had to go and look for another place. Our guide kept asking where we would like to go but we didnt know as we were hoping to be taken to some place of his choice otherwise we would go there by ourselves if we knew where to go. So we ended up at another place which had a good view of Acropolis but at this point we were so frustrated with long walks, no agenda and not understanding the guide so we called it a day and went to a hotel which did have an awesome Acropolis view Electra Metropolis and made us wish we stayed there the entire evening.
This was a great tour and very fun guide. We went to the places where the locals go we were the only tourists in the bars we went to. Very interesting talking with the guide about how life in Athens is. Very small group. Lots of personal attention.