Isla Boracay
6 h
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Lo recogeremos de su hotel solicitado y lo llevaremos al punto de partida de los barcos. Tendrá tiempo de sobra para descansar y relajarse en playas desiertas o practicar buceo y disfrutar de nuestra increíble variedad de peces tropicales. Lo que sea que haga, este será sin duda uno de los puntos más destacados de su viaje a las Filipinas.
En función de las mareas y las condiciones meteorológicas, visitaremos los siguientes lugares; Crystal Cove, isla Cocodrilo, West Cove, playa Puka, playa Balinghai y la isla Magic.
Un almuerzo bufé está incluido y las bebidas también están disponibles y el equipo de buceo de superficie son de forma gratuita. Crystal Cove es una isla privada y hay un pequeño cargo adicional, no incluido, que deberá pagar localmente.
¡Esperamos mostrarle esta asombrosa zona!
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En función de las mareas y las condiciones meteorológicas, visitaremos los siguientes lugares; Crystal Cove, isla Cocodrilo, West Cove, playa Puka, playa Balinghai y la isla Magic.
Un almuerzo bufé está incluido y las bebidas también están disponibles y el equipo de buceo de superficie son de forma gratuita. Crystal Cove es una isla privada y hay un pequeño cargo adicional, no incluido, que deberá pagar localmente.
¡Esperamos mostrarle esta asombrosa zona!
- Tour en grupo pequeño con guía local.
- Almuerzo - Almuerzo buffet
- Simcard turista gratis
No incluido
- Las tarifas de las islas privadas y de los parques marinos se pagan localmente
- La confirmación se recibirá en el momento en que se realice la reserva
- Los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto
- Los tours son muy afectados por las mareas y el clima. A veces, algunos de los destinos no se pueden visitar según lo aconsejado por la Guardia Costera de Filipinas. Antes de unirse a las excursiones, el operador le explicará todo antes de tiempo, ya sea que vaya a la gira o no.
- Sujeto a reembolso en caso de que no haya actividad.
- Puede ser operado por un guía multilingüe.
- Sujeto a condiciones climáticas favorables. Si cancela debido al mal tiempo, se le dará la opción de una fecha alternativa o un reembolso completo.
- Este tour está unido al tour.
- Por favor, indique su hora de llegada y salida al hacer la reserva; esto es para propósitos de reprogramación en algunos casos.
- Por favor llámenos un día antes de su viaje programado.
- El horario de embarque comienza a las 9: am -11: 00 am. La recogida se realizará dentro del tiempo. Llámenos a su hora preferida de recogida.
- La recogida en el hotel está disponible en los hoteles ubicados en la estación 1 2 y 3. Los hoteles ubicados más allá de las estaciones están sujetos a reuniones.
- Tiene que hacer buen tiempo para que se pueda realizar esta experiencia. Si se cancela por malas condiciones meteorológicas, se le ofrecerá otra fecha o el reembolso total del importe abonado.
Crews of the boat were nice. Love the views at Crystal Cove. The buffet lunch was ok. Puka beach is a waste of time. Snorkelling was fun. Better bring your own snorkelling gear.
This, by far, exceeding our expectations. They met us at our cruise ship and took us to the central location where we met up with two other groups. The day includes snorkling over a barrier reef, refreshment and swimming on the north shore of Boracay, a delicious Philipino lunch with two free drinks soft drink or beer, and a tour of a private Island Cove. All in all it lasted 5-6 hours. The price was very cheap 25pp for the event and the tour guide was very knowledgeable. Two things to keep in mind: You can bring your own beverage on board the ship to drink and there was some small service charges 1 and 4 per person to snorkle in the state regulated barrier reef and private island, respectively so bring some pesos with you to cover this. All factors considered we would definitely do this again. FYI: The group had kids, adults and old farts like us...My group ranged from 58-67 years old.
In my private point of view I could recommend more attractions because it was not to many activities a part of good views and swimming during that time. Unless 6h it's not enough to plan to many activities as i like a little extreme and reasonable activities.
It was an overall fun experience, but we were picked up from our hotel an hour late even though we had a confirmed pick up time. The description claims we would visit several islands, but we only stopped on one beach for thirty minutes. Crystal Cove was closed due to rough waves. We stopped for the buffet lunch at Caticlan, and although it was delicious, it was questionable whether it made us sick later.The snorkeling was fun at the first stop with a variety of beautiful fish, but the second stop of snorkeling had 4 fish only.
we only snorkeled at one spot. We did stop at a beach but the waves were so strong we couldn't swim or snorkel then we stopped at a horrendous pier and got on a rickety bus and went to a not so nice covered patio where lunch was served. Then we went to a dock where we had to pay to walk through small caves formed by waves. All in all I would not do it again. However, our tour guide was fantastic.
There were 45 passengers in one boat for this tour. The tour started at 10:30am and ended at 130pm which was just three hours compared to their description of six hours. They brought us to northern end of the island without getting off the boat and anchored off station 1 to snorkle but there is hardly any corals to see so it was a waste of time. Then they brought us for lunch in Caticlan which was the mainland of Bohol. From lunch they brought us back to Boracay and ended our tour. This was a misnomer and should not be called Boracay Island Hopping since we did not visit a single island to swim or sightsee.
This tour was amazing!
There is only two islands to visit and the snorkeling point is just one. It resulted short and the food buffet was only okay.