Majestuosa isla circular
El sol de la mañana lentamente calienta las playas de arena de Waikiki, mientras su guía le acompaña a bordo y comienza a entretejer las historias de nuestra isla. La orilla oriental de Oʻahu llamará mientras rodea el emblemático Cabeza de Diamante y pasa por Kahala, donde las mansiones están junto a las casas de playa. Se encontrará mirando hacia abajo en uno de los lugares más fotografiados de Oʻahu, la bahía de Hanauma (cerrada los martes). Este santuario marino es todo aguas azules cristalinas y arrecifes de coral viviente, hogar de una colorida colección de criaturas marinas. Abundan las maravillas naturales, incluidos tubos de lava derretida que disparar chorros de océano a 9,15 m (30 pies) en el aire mientras las olas rompen en la escarpada costa.
La historia pasa al primer plano mientras recorre las montañas Koʻolau hasta el mirador de Nuʻuanu Pali donde el rey Kamehameha luchó victorioso para unificar las islas hawaianas. E igual de rápido se encontrará en una fisura de la montaña contemplando el Templo Byodo-In que conmemora el 100º aniversario de los primeros inmigrantes japoneses.
Navegará los 11,25 km (7 millas) de las famosas playas de surf a lo largo de la costa norte parándose a lo largo del camino para disfrutar de los sabores locales.
Las cataratas Waimea y el valle que las rodea son ricas en historia, espiritualidad y tradiciones isleñas. Su guía le llevará a través del jardín botánico de este amplio y tranquilo entorno. Sepa lo profundamente arraigada que está la tradición en la cultura hawaiana actual.
A la vuelta de la esquina se encontrará la histórica Dole Plantation rodeada de hileras de piña y campos de tallos de caña de azúcar. Su guía le explicará la rica historia de la plantación y cómo esta planta famosamente dulce y puntiaguda se convirtió en un símbolo de la hospitalidad y Hawái. (Para de 20 minutos)
El pintoresco viaje de ida y vuelta a Honolulu es un placer en sí mismo cuando va acompañado de historias y curiosidades compartidas por su guía. Abróchese el cinturón para disfrutar de una asombrosa excursión por la isla circular que le dejará sin preocupaciones y lleno de espíritu Aloha.
- Precio de la entrada
- Traslado de ida y vuelta al hotel (solo hoteles seleccionados)
- Almuerzo
- Propinas (recomendadas)
- Recibirá confirmación en el momento de efectuar la reserva
- Atuendo informal elegante.
- El recorrido no se cancelará por razones meteorológicas, vístase apropiadamente.

Unfortunately our tour guide Donny was not very knowledgable and could not answer a lot of questions.
Lisa, our guide was spectacular! We were so lucky that she agreed to come in on Easter! She was so informative about the history of every stop we went to as well as the history of Hawaii. We had plenty of time at every stop except The Dole Plantation. There is just too much to do there so you’ll need to go back on your own time. Beautiful beach stops and a beautiful hike to Waimea Falls which Lisa did half way and explained the history to you. I would highly recommend this trip!!
Our guide (Cousin) Lisa (Waikiki Trolley), was very friendly, knowledgeable and willing to answer questions one on one, Gave everyone more than enough time at each stop to take pictures and explore the sites, If you want to see the island of Oahu I would highly recommend this tour, and If possible Ask for Cousin Lisa.
The tour itself was great. The only glaring problem was that the time given to us for pickup was wrong. Thank goodness the tour people called us to find out where we were or we would have missed the tour. They told us they had a big problem getting Viator to publish the correct time.
While the tour had great reviews, we were not sure what to expect—very pleased with the outcome! Our guide Art was a true professional who both educated and entertained throughout the entire day. We did everything the tour promised and then some. It’s a great value commercial tour to introduce Oahu!
Cousin K bus 11 was the BEST!Best tour so worth it!!!!!She did not stop telling stories the whole trip!!!!Stops are planned perfectly!!!!!Great helpful info!!!!!
This tour was amazing! It's a long day, but worth every minute. We think we saw all of Oahu, and certainly learned tons about this amazing island. Shannon was a fantastic guide, full of information, and lots of fun. We saw all of the highlights mentioned in the tour description, and more! Having someone take you is the best way to see and learn about the island.
Pualani was a wonderful tour guide and a delight to listen too. She was very accommodating to this large tour group which was respectful to her requests under time constraints making the day very enjoyable and fun. This tour is definitely a good one for getting an overview of the entire island, especially if your time is short on Oahu.