Salzburgo Super Saver: excursión de un día a las montañas de Baviera, incluidas las minas de sal y el Nido del Águila
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Salzburgo Super Saver: excursión de un día a las montañas de Baviera, incluidas las minas de sal y el Nido del Águila
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Salzburgo Super Saver: excursión de un día a las montañas de Baviera, incluidas las minas de sal y el Nido del Águila

1 day
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Nido del Águila
Dejará atrás Salzburgo en un cómodo autobús junto a su guía y comenzará una excursión de un día atravesando los Alpes Bávaros a lo largo del Lago del Rey. Atravesará la montaña Untersberg, envuelta en leyendas y mitos, y se adentrará en Alemania por un antiguo paso fronterizo. Después de viajar por el valle alpino y pasar por pintorescas granjas, llegará a los pies de Obersalzberg, zona montañosa que alberga el Nido del Águila.
Desde aquí, suba en un autobús que le llevará a un elevador de latón de la época de la II Guerra Mundial, el cual le conducirá hasta el Nido del Águila, en la cima de la montaña. Disfrutará de unas magníficas vistas de los gigantescos picos nevados de los Alpes Bávaros y la campiña circundante. Desde aquí, hay un corto paseo a pie hasta el cruce en la cumbre de Obersalzberg.
Tendrá 45 minutos de tiempo libre en el Nido del Águila para almorzar en uno de los restaurantes de la zona (no incluido en el precio).
Minas de sal
La segunda parte de su excursión Super Saver comienza después del almuerzo. Bajo Obersalzberg están las minas de sal de 450 años de antigüedad. Paseará por los pasos de las minas con atuendo tradicional de minero y descenderá hasta las grutas. Podrá escuchar historias verídicas y legendarias de este fascinante mundo subterráneo de parte de su guía, para finalizar su aventura minera con un paseo en balsa por el lago de sal y un viaje en tren alrededor del lago.
Su recorrido continuará hacia Königssee (Lago del Rey), un lago ubicado entre montañas imponentes. Parada para hacer fotos y tiempo libre para visitar el entorno antes de dirigirse a la pintoresca ciudad bávara de Berchtesgaden. Dispondrá de algo de tiempo libre para pasear por sus encantadoras calles antes de regresar a Salzburgo.
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  • Guia profesional
  • Vehículo con aire acondicionado
No incluido
  • Alimentos y bebidas, salvo que se especifique.
  • Propinas
  • Recogida y regreso al hotel.
  • La confirmación se recibirá en el momento en que se realice la reserva
Doris B
3 | 2019-10-01

We were very rushed at the Eagles Nest and only had a total of 40 minutes... a bit disorganized in the morning as we were herded onto buses

Patrick M
5 | 2019-10-01

Our guide, the driver and the weather all contributed to an outstanding adventure. Both the guide and the driver were as friendly and fun as could be.

Donald M
5 | 2019-08-20

Breathtaking experience! Our guide Walter was very knowledgeable and spoke very good English. Very well organized and put together. I highly recommend this tour if you like beauty and majestic mountains. The Salt Mine was great, learning the history and seeing the wonders of the underground.

Karol S
3 | 2019-07-03

I didn’t feel like we had enough time to really see everything. Only an hour and a half and had to be back on bus

5 | 2019-07-03

Started out meeting Walter (guide) and Ivars (driver) who were both excellent. Drove up to the Eagles Nest with specific guidelines for times and directions, great experience it views nd history to match. Then went through Berchestgaden for lunch, Proceeded on to Salzburg Saltmines with an info session and gear before riding the rails, ride across the Salt Lake underground, and shedding our gear. Drove to Lake Kisginoo where we spent two hours 30 minutes of which I was in the water. Headed back to Dalzburg where we drove through town and got some additional sights. Great job guys.

Meredith P
5 | 2018-10-05

We had a wonderful day outside of Salzburg touring Eagle's Nest and the Salt Mines. I can't hold Viator responsible for the weather, but if it had been clear on our trip to Eagle's Nest, I'm sure it would have been a spectacular view. They handled everything with Panorama Tours. The tour guides were great and very knowledgeable and were able to get us all on and off the bus in time to move to the next Adventure. The Salt Mines are well worth it too!

Robert A
5 | 2018-08-06

Great tour, wish the weather would have been better for The Eagles Nest but our guide, Max, made up for it. Salt mines were fun and informative, must do the slides!!

3 | 2018-08-05

Enjoyed Eagle’s Nest very much. Salt mine tour was OK, but best with children. Koenigsee was pretty, but we were not there long enough to enjoy it. Because this was a combined trip, there was duplication and backtracking. The morning part of the trip was worthwhile, the afternoon less so. Probably would not do the full day trip if I had it to do over. To finish on a positive note, the guide, Walter, was quite good and very entertaining. He knew his stuff.



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